Mental Health First Aid Standard 


Our MHFA Standard Course is split up into 4 manageable chunks across 2 days.

  1. What is Mental Health
  2. Suicide
  3. Anxiety & Depression
  4. Psychosis


Each delegate will learn-

  • how to feel confident about helping someone experiencing a mental health problem;
  • how to provide them with help on a first aid basis;
  • how to help someone from hurting themselves or others;
  • how to stop mental illness from getting worse;
  • how to help someone to recover faster

You will also receive guidance on how to get someone to the right support and the course aims to reduce the stigma attached to mental health.  

The course is delivered in groups of up to 16 people and delegates receive a certificate and manual with further information and resources.

To register your interest in our next available course, please contact us on 01642 505580 or email [email protected]

“Sarah was knowledgeable and approachable. She made us feel comfortable sharing information with each other. the Content of the course was exceptional and having the textbook will really help out in the future. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone."

 Mental Health First Aid- YOUTH

 The Link are also accredited to deliver Youth MHFA, an internationally recognised course designed specifically for those people that teach, work, live with or care for young people aged 8 to 18 years.


You will learn how to:

  • Provide information, tools and techniques to promote a young person's mental and emotional wellbeing
  • Support a young person who might be experiencing mental and emotional distress

 MHFA won't teach you how to be a therapist, but you will be able to say you're a Youth Mental Health First Aider!


To register your interest please contact us on 01642 505580 or email [email protected] 


"The course has given me the confidence to talk to children without fear of saying the wrong thing. I have gained an in depth knowledge of depression, anxiety, psychosis, bi-polar, suicide, self harm and eating disorders. Thankyou!"