Making a Referral

To refer a child/young person to The LINK please complete the referral form below and email to [email protected] 


Consent from a parent/guardian is necessary and we would appreciate it if you could attempt to complete each section with as much information as possible. If you have any questions about a referral please contact us on 01642 505580.


What makes a good referral?

Below are some pointers to consider/include when making a referral to The Link;


Reason for Referral

  • What are the specific difficulties that you want the service to address?
  • How long has this been a problem and why is the family seeking help now?
  • Is the problem situation specific or more generalised?
  • Your understanding of the problem/issues involved?
  • What has been tried already – include any interventions tried within school for example counselling?

Further Helpful Information

  • Who else is living at home and details of separated parents if appropriate?
  • Who else has been or is professionally involved and in what capacity?
  • Has there been any previous contact with any emotional well-being or mental health services?   If so what was the outcome.
  • Has/is been any previous contact with Social Care? If so what was the outcome?
  • Details of any known protective factors
  • Any relevant history i.e. family, life events and/or health development

Please click on the link below to download The Link's Referral form


The Link Referral Form
The Link Referral NEW 2022.docx
Microsoft Word Document 108.7 KB