An Interview with a Children's Wellbeing Practitioner

What is your role at The Link? 

My role is a Children’s Wellbeing Practitioner (CWP for short). A CWP delivers interventions using Low Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).


When is it a good time to seek support?

There can be several reasons why a person may want to seek support. However, finding a time in your life where you are motivated and have the ability to fully engage with support is key. 


Who do you work with?

I work with children, young people and parents.


What presentations do you work with? 

CWPs work with children and young people with mild to moderate low mood, anxiety disorders and behavioural difficulties. We support children and young people using a variety of interventions such as: Behavioural Activation, Graded Exposure, Behavioural Experiments & Worry management.


With parents we can use parenting support such as Parent-led CBT or Parenting Interventions for conduct, to help them best support their child. 


Describe a typical session 

Session’s can vary depending on age, presentation and intervention.


However, a typical session will last around 40 minutes. We start each session by setting an agenda. We can think of this as being our plan for the session ahead. This can include things such as recapping the previous session, homework & goal review and dedicated time to look at what you would find useful that day.


Once we have planned our session and completed it, we will finish up by reflecting on our session, plan any homework or task to do over the week, and answer any questions you may have. 


How do you know that a young person has made some progress?

Progress can be recognised in the smallest of changes and will be different for everyone. However, some of the earliest signs of progress that I see is an individual allowing themselves the space to fully feel and open up about their emotions and experiences. 


What do you enjoy most about your job ?

Being creative!


As a CWP we aim to support you in the best way suited for your learning and enjoyment. Sometimes this means that we have to get creative, which I love. 


What aspect of CBT do you find particularly useful?

CBT aims at breaking your problems down into smaller more manageable parts to help stop negative cycles. This part of the process is really helpful in allowing an individual to understand how their thoughts, feelings and behaviours are all linked. Helping to recognise how one of these factors can affect how you respond to a situation. 


What is your motto in life?

Tomorrow is another day. 


What animal do you relate to and why?

A butterfly. Butterflies are constantly progressing and transforming to be the best version of themselves. Waiting for the right day to fly! 


What colour best describes you? And why? 

 I’d like to say yellow, the colour of happiness and fun!



For more information on the support The Link can offer, please contact us;

[email protected]

01642 505580