Kenny's story- A case study

Kenny came to the Link in 2016 - he worked with a few of the practitioners previously but had decided he wasn’t quite ready to engage and so stopped coming.


His support re-started again in 2020 after he decided he wanted to get some support to help him manage his anger - because of the Covid pandemic, Kenny was offered keep-in-touch calls then his support moved to being face to face when it was allowed. 


At the beginning of his support, Kenny set 2 goals that he wanted to work towards - to feel happier and be able to manage feelings of anger.  Kenny said that when he was angry he felt unhappy and when he was unhappy he felt angry. He would come to his sessions and spend time talking through some of the difficulties he had when trying to manage feelings of anger - together we explored the situations that often led him to feel angry and then looked at ideas as to how Kenny could handle these differently without becoming upset or upsetting the people around him. 


Something that Kenny found helpful was learning about different ways to relax - we used to practice relaxation techniques in our sessions together and Kenny would practice these at home as well. 



At his final review meeting, Kenny said he felt as though he was more confident - he said he felt happier and more able to handle difficult situations that would normally have triggered angry feelings in him.  Kenny’s mum also said how she had seen his confidence grow.


To find out more about our service and how you can access support, you can contact us

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You can also give us a call on 01642 505580